Sunday, August 11, 2013

In the beginning...

Well, I guess this is as good a way to start any blog correct?
I have been training for most of my life, first as a competitive Olympic lifter then after a series of injuries, training to stay in shape and enjoy life.
Don't get me wrong, I still train as hard as ever but in a softer, gentler way!
I have found that as you get older, while your muscles maintain most of their strength, your tendons and ligaments are like rubber bands that eventually get old after too many stretches and eventually just snap.
In this blog I hope to transfer some of my knowledge to those that have been training awhile or for those that started later in life and are wondering if they are going down the correct path.
I see so many things done and taught wrong in major gyms by 'certified' personal trainers, it makes me cringe!
By the way, yes I am certified but I don't believe in the paper I have just like I don't believe in the 'paper' most personal trainers have.
No certification can replace over 40 years of living the life, training balls to the wall 5-6 days a week, competing, and reading anything I can get my hands on regarding health and fitness.
I am just starting out with this blog so please be patient as I learn this blogging business.
Leave me comments, I love to answer questions and give opinions and advice.
Some of the posts may seem boring and mundane but it's the little things that you do that lets you accomplish what you are trying to achieve.
Enjoy and get out there and get active. You only live once. You only have one body. You need to take care of it if you want to get the most out of this one chance!


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