Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Alkaline water, why or why not?

What is alkaline water and why or why isn't it important?
First a tutorial on what defines alkalinity.
All liquids have what is known as a pH level. pH is defined as the measure of acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. Water is neutral, meaning it is neither basic or acidic, it sits at the midpoint or a pH of 7.
So when one mentions alkaline water, they are talking about water with pH levels higher than 7.
Proponents of alkaline water say that it can neutralize acid in your bloodstream, boost your metabolism and help your body absorb nutrients more effectively. Some even say that alkaline water can help prevent disease and slow the aging process. Hydrating at a higher pH level nourishes your skin making you look more youthful. While there are many proponents of these beliefs, opponents say that these claims have not been proven.
The reason for these positive claims is that your bloodstream operates at about a 7.35-7.5 pH level. Your cerebral fluids function at 7.5 and pancreas at a whopping 8.1. Since the body is 53% water, and most of its vital functions operate at pH levels higher than 7, belief is that hydrating the body with higher pH levels is beneficial to those claims.
So how does one make water more alkaline?
Well there are plenty of water alkaline systems out there. Now do not get these systems confused with ionizers or filtered water. They are two separate things although all the alkaline systems I have seen filter the water and have ionizing capability. The better ones do not come cheap running upwards of well over a thousand dollars.
So how does it work?
By running tap water through a water alkaliser, the water is:
  • Filtered of organics and chlorine
  • Separated into twin separate streams; acid and alkaline.
  • Negatively charged with hydrogen ions
  • Oxygen supporting
  • Reformatted at a molecular level into 'wetter' 'smaller' water
  • Delivered in a form that becomes a source of abundant antioxidants
When the water is separated into two streams, you use the one that is alkaline. In some systems you can select what level of pH you want. It is suggested to drink at pH levels of between 8-9.5 and cook at pH levels of greater than 11.
Now what do I think of these systems? Well for starters, I am skeptical of everything but at the same time I am willing to try it when the explanation makes sense.
I have been using a nice water alkaliser for about a month now. First I want to say there is a noticeable difference in taste although water is supposedly odorless and tasteless. I guess it is because of the filtered process up front as well as the negatively charged hydrogen ions.
I have also been cooking with it as well. I have not noticed a difference in the taste of food however.
At this point I can't say I am new and improved but I can say I do feel better. I do not know if this is a mental thing telling me I must feel good because I am drinking alkaline water or because it is really working. Time will tell such as in sickness, injuries, etc. Although I did get asked the other day what I used for my skin since it looks so well hydrated........hmmm, maybe there is something to this alkaline water thing.
In conclusion, the way I look at it is this. I filter my water anyways just because it is something I have always done. While filtering it, why not alkalize it? It surely can't hurt and although there are opinions on both sides of the fence on this, I have not seen anything that says it is bad for you. All the debate centers around it being better or how much better than normal tap water.
Seeing you only live once, you only have one body, erring on the side of what may be good for you, is good enough for me.
Since I will be asked which water system I am using, here is a link that will help you look at it. I found it to be well priced for what its purpose is and compared to other models that provide the same functions at a much higher price.
Would love to hear what your experience is from drinking alkaline water!

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